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To request more information:

Contact the Admissions Office

Mon-Fri 8:00 am - 5:30 pm


You can also request more information with this form:

Success! Message received.


Step 1: Complete and return the AAMS Application (Click the link below) for Admissions








Tuition Fees


11 monthly payments (Aug 2024-June 2025) $700 (Total for the school year is $8,250.)​


  • $200 annual registration fee/application fee

  • $100 testing fee

  • $250 book/technology fee

  • $700 First Month’s Tuition (Grades K-9) /$925 First Month’s Tuition (Grade 9)

Total Due Prior to Enrolling-$1,250 (First Month Tuition, Registration/Application Fee, Testing Fee, and Book/Technology Fee)


$100 tuition credit for referrals that lead to an enrolled student.


A student’s application will be considered complete when it contains the following documents:

  • Copies of the results of all standardized testing from previous school year

  • Current year’s report card

  • Two current Teacher Recommendation forms (Optional)

  • Disciplinary records from their previous school

  • Current year’s attendance record

  • Copy of student’s birth certificate

  • Certificate of Immunization

  • Certificate of Eye, Ear, and Dental Exam


Step 2:  A parent/student interview and testing date will be scheduled.


Step 3: When a student’s application file is complete it will be reviewed by AAMS for acceptance. Parents are notified of an applicant’s acceptance within (1) week of receipt of school records.


Matriculation payments must be paid to secure your child’s position within our student body.  Matriculation fees are due before the student may attend school or within 30 days of acceptance to AAMS, whichever occurs first.


Anderson Academy is a year-round school school with a mandatory summer session. 



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